Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) with Thermal Energy Storage (TES)

Namibia currently imports approximately 200 MW of its 600 MW power requirement from the SADC power pool. Demand for power is also expected to grow by 5% annually. As a viable option to replace fossil fuel fired power stations, NamPower, Namibia’s national power utility, will invest in CSP with thermal storage to combine operational flexibility with high capacity value that provides ‘flexible capacity’ requirements to the Namibian power system. An independent power producer framework is in place which supports private ownership of large-scale power plants. NamPower, the main offtaker, is willing to form a public private partnerships (PPP) to develop a CSP plant with thermal storage.

Project Overview

The technology considered is Parabolic Trough or Central Receiver. Generation capacity of 100 MW – 150 MW is considered optimum. Feasible thermal energy storage capacity of 15 – 17 hours at solar multiple of 2 to 3. Equity participation of between 50% and 70% is required. A fair and transparent solicited process through open and public bidding will be followed.

Project Timeline Summary

Project timeline summary available from contacts.

Investment Opportunity

Total Project Cost: USD965 million or NAD13 billion 

(NAD : USD= 13.5)


Electricity Generation through Biomass Harvesting

Invader bush reduces the carrying capacity of agricultural land. By utilising harvested bush, a decentralized independent power producer (IPP) model will assist NamPower to strengthen its domestic power mix and assist in further stabilizing the national power grid, while improving the carrying capacity of agricultural land. An independent power producer framework is in place, which supports private ownership of large-scale power plants. NamPower, the main offtaker, is willing to form public private partnerships (PPPs) to generate power using harvested invader bush.

Project Overview

The construction of three 20 MW - 30 MW biomass power plants with storage and fuel handling infrastructure, and support infrastructure. One plant with required equity participation of between 50% and 70%. Two plants wholly owned by IPPs. A fair and transparent solicited process through open and public bidding will be followed.

Project Timeline Summary

Project timeline summary available from contacts. Operation is scheduled for 06.2020.

Investment Opportunity

Total Project Cost: USD88.5 million or NAD1.2 billion. 

(NAD : USD= 13.5)

Funding split USD Million NAD MIllion

Debt share: 70%



Equity share: 30%



NamPower equity


Envisaged 50% - 100%


to 62


to 386

IPP equity shareholding:

Envisaged 50% - 70%



IPP wholly owned projects:

(Additional 2 X 20 MW


2 X 27

2 X 386



Ms. Margaret Mutschler


Tel: +264 61 205 2338

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Kudu Gas and Power Development

The project will develop offshore Kudu gas and deliver the gas through a 170 km pipeline to a new power station connected to the Namibian and South African electricity grids. The Kudu gas field has estimated reserves of 1 Tcf of dry gas. Daily production is expected to be 100 MMscfd. The two unit power station will have a capacity of 884 MW. The upstream (gas field) and downstream (power station and transmission) elements are owned and promoted separately, upstream by a joint venture of developers put together by the National Petroleum Corporation (Namcor), and downstream by NamPower in a special purpose vehicle, Kudu Power.

Project Overview

The EPC agreement and Long-term Service Agreement (LTSA) have been negotiated with Shanghai Electric and Siemens. NamPower has finalised a draft purchase agreement with Kudu Power. A feasibility study has been completed. All procurement has and will be conducted through solicited closed tender processes.

Project Timeline Summary

Project timeline summary available from contacts.

Investment Opportunity


Namcor wishes to divest up to 34% of its 44% interest in the Kudu Gas Field. 


NamPower intends diluting its 51%, and Marubeni which has been allocated a 19% equity, has expressed interest  to increase its stake to 40 - 49%. Equity investment and financing opportunities are still available.

(NAD : USD= 13.5) 

Equity Split

(Project cost not finalised)

Share USD Million





Downstream: Kudu Power

(19% equity est.)



Current Downstream Equity Investment Requirements



Contact NamPower





Strategic Partners










Current Financing Requirements (USD900m):

Commercial Debt












Mr. Immanuel Mulunga

Managing Director


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mr. Gerson Rukata

Kudu Project Leader


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


500 MW WindNam Plant

Namibia has a requirement for additional sources of electricity to reduce its dependency on imports. As one of the feasible methods of generation the country is currently implementing and expanding its use of renewable sources of energy. This also envisages wind energy, along Namibia’s coastline. The enterprise model for these ventures is either public private partnerships (PPPs) or privately owned utilities which operate in terms of power purchase agreements with NamPower.

Project Overview

WindNam is a utility scale wind farm project with a name plate capacity of 500 MW, to be developed within the Sperrgebiet National Park, on a piece of land of approximately 8,700 ha in size. The project aims to supply green and sustainable electricity to the national grid and possibly export into the SADC region under the Southern African Power Pool umbrella.

Project Timeline Summary

Project timeline summary available from contacts.

Investment Opportunity

USD943.9 million or NAD13.5 billion

(NAD : USD= 13.5)


Funding split:

USD million


NAD billion


Namibia Shareholders’





Debt Finance






Usuta Imbili

Executive Director


Mobile: +264 85 127 7675

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.